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Photo.Beyond by Delhia

Ce blog je le consacre a ma passion, la photo . Je recherche des passionnés pour partager mon aventure en photo , Je souhaite partager ce qui me fait vivre a l'intérieur et s'exprime au travers de mon objectif, mon 3eme oeil . Merci et bonne visite à vous tous .

Hello Halloween

Hello Halloween

"I take photographs with love, so I try to make them art objects . But I make them for myself first and foremost- that is important." (Jacques-Henri Lartique.)

I love to  take photo and create a scenery for the occasion  and when  children play the game is a wonderful time of sharing .
I love to  take photo and create a scenery for the occasion  and when  children play the game is a wonderful time of sharing .
I love to  take photo and create a scenery for the occasion  and when  children play the game is a wonderful time of sharing .

I love to take photo and create a scenery for the occasion and when children play the game is a wonderful time of sharing .

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